Annual Registration/Membership Fee (ALL STUDENTS)

$52.50 per dancer
DUE DATE: Time of registration. Must be paid before classes begin.
Membership fees are non-refundable.

Media Fee (ALL STUDENTS): 

$30.00 per dancer, + $10.00 per routine, per dancer.
DUE DATE: May 15, 2025.
Media fees are non-refundable. Includes digital download of Year-End Showcase video as well as class photo(s).

6-Week Sessional Class Fees:
All dancers must pay the annual Registration/Membership fee ONCE per dance season.
$85.00 + GST for 1 class, $90.00 + GST for 2 classes, and $105.00 + GST for 3 classes.
DUE DATE: Time of registration. Must be paid before classes begin.
Session class fees are non-refundable, unless a doctor’s note is provided for proof of injury or illness, or if the studio must cancel a class due to low enrolment.

Recreational & Company Program Tuition Fees:
MONTLY DUE DATE: Fees are processed on 15th of each month for the next month.
Please contact the studio if you would like to pay for the full year upfront.
Tuition fees are non-refundable, unless a doctor’s note is provided for proof of injury or illness, or if the studio must cancel a class due to low enrolment.

Company Program Costume Fees:
Full costume fees range from $150-$200. A deposit of $52.50 per dancer per routine is required, however we will re-use costumes where we can, especially for solos, duets, trios, and small groups.
DEPOSIT DUE DATE: September 30, 2024
BALANCE DUE DATE: February 15, 2025
Costume deposits are non-refundable. Costume balances must be paid in full before costumes can be taken home. In the case of a balance owing, the due date is February 15, 2025. In the case of overpayment due to re-use of costumes, fees paid will be applied to tuition fees.

Recreational Program Year-End Costume Fees:
Full costume fees range from $150-$200.
A deposit of $52.50 per dancer per class/routine is required.
DEPOSIT DUE DATE: October 31, 2024
BALANCE DUE DATE: February 15, 2025
Costume deposits are non-refundable.
Costume balances must be paid in full before costumes can be taken home.

Studio Workshop Fees:
The studio will hold various workshops throughout the season, taught by guest teachers, guest speakers, and industry specialists (physiotherapists, nutritionists, mental health professionals etc.)
Workshop fees are $25.00 per participant, per workshop.
DUE DATE: Two weeks prior to workshop.

Additional Choreography Fees:
Extra choreography fees vary. Fees include 5 hours of rehearsal time. Additional rehearsals and cleaning beyond the allotted 5 hours will require additional payment.